An American Judge Applies Sharia Law
IT IS A Muslim's religious duty to strive to bring the whole world under the subjugation of Sharia law. Devout Muslims will continue to press for this until the end of time. One of the most common responses I get when talking to people is, "It can't happen in the United States."
It can and it does. Here is a good example.
An American judge in effect upheld Sharia law because a Muslim man under Sharia is allowed to force his wife to have sex with him. In American law that is rape. But the judge ruled otherwise, allowing Sharia to override American law.
Read the whole story: Advocates of Anti-Shariah Measures Alarmed by Judge's Ruling.
The sheer lack of humanity is devestating. No woman deserves to be treated like chattle. Women don't serve men for their sexual pleasure. This is insanity and cruelty! And it's all okay because it's Islam.
It is true, Islamists are taking over. Having an average of 8 kids to overpopulate the world with their beliefs. Come on America and Canada. Get educated on what types of beliefs these people have before welcoming them into our country.
Having read the Fox News article I see that the judge's ruling was overturned on appeal and that the man who raped his wife has been charged with a crime and has or will be tried. So, while first judge erred the next did not. Separation of church and state is a cornerstone of our democracy.
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